What Hijab Means to me, HASHTAG #Hijabtome

Recently Huffington Post have asked Muslim women to tell to the world what Hijab means to them. A call out to all Hijabis to use this Hashtag and tell everyone what Hijab means to you! You can circulate your post on all social Networks using Hashtag #Hijabtome with brief description along with your picture.

So here is mine would love reading yours!

Hijab to me is a symbol of pride for being a Muslim woman. In the times where Islam is misrepresented by ISIS and Islamophobia is growing, I hold my Dear Hijab to me to tell to the world I am not ashamed of being a Muslim. People still categorize my recent change in dress up as backward and my question to them is still the same how can somebody’s choice of clothes be forward or backward! It is a choice like any other choice and I have the freedom to choose! I have chosen mine and you have chosen yours. Cannot be that by wearing different clothes we can still walk on the same path of peace, harmony and mutual respect? You didn’t read my mind, you didn’t see my heart! So please don’t judge me with the clothes I wear and neither should I do to you.

Personally choosing Hijab was a decision to focus more on my inner self rather my outer appearance. It’s been a year almost and I feel I have grown as a person, I have read more and applied some in my life and strive to continue in my life’s journey with Hijab Insha’Allah! Leaving gradually the hollow customs and social traditions to a more meaning life .There have always been conflicts between my inner and outer self and I feel it will remain till I die but I feel more alive to be driven by my soul rather a body driving a soul.

More and more women are opting for Hijab to make a collective effort to eradicate Islamophobia that all Muslims are not terrorists or dangerous. We are as peace loving as you do and we hate terrorism more than you do. People are dying in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan and they are all Muslims who are killed by supposedly Muslims, my heart doesn’t allow me to identify them as fellow Muslims,  they are just Terrorists who have no humanity left in them. Muslims are suffering from both ends. We do not deserve a global hatred, we need to get understood for the biggest problem of this century.

My post too is a way to convey my thoughts to all my readers for raising Hijab Awareness. I hope more and more people understand it. Please do not judge a book by its cover! Nor do all books with similar cover are same!

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31 thoughts on “What Hijab Means to me, HASHTAG #Hijabtome

  1. Saima Masood

    MashaAllah Sana..i agree with each and every word you have written in the post Just one thing i would like to add here and that is if u wear hijab try to be more positive and watch your actions as for your wrong actions..your not blamed as a person but your hijab is (according to those who don’t like hijab-clad women) its always a pleasure reading your posts…take good care!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. A powerful statement and mission. You must follow your heart– I respect you for following your heart and spirit despite criticism and misunderstanding. What you wear is your business and as you said, there is no forward or backward about it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Is that you in the picture, sister? Masha’Allah, that’s beautiful. May Allah beutify your heart too as He has beautified your face! Ameen… Hijab for me as an Muslimah’s identity, besides it’s an obligatory for all Muslimahs to cover their hair.

    Liked by 2 people

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