Blog and Life updates

This has been one hectic year until now, lot of things happening in life so eventually very less happening on my blog 🙂 Its been 5 months now  we have shifted from Brussels to a smaller town, away from noise and traffic to a quieter place. The shift from apartment to a house took some time to get habituated and adjusted to bigger rooms , less cosy though. There were weekends spent in shopping for the interior decor for the home and then deciding  what to place where. The setting  remain same for only a week  and then  it was changed again. The best part for me to live in a house is the garden , it’s a pity  summers are short here nevertheless we have enjoyed our first summers in our new home. We have grown some potatoes, tomatoes ,ginger and garlic.

If you has been following me on Instagram , then you know we have quite frequents visitors to our home . There was a black and white calico cat coming to us quite often  and now we have another black cat whom we call ‘Bagheera‘ living in our garden from a month. The former belongs to one of the neighbors and this one we are not sure is stray or not .  Today morning I saw another Black Cat eating from her food bowl while she watching him(I presume :D)  lovingly .

We also have some fishes in the pond and every time I see them near the pond my heart sinks ! but they just go there to drink water and fishes are safe so far. By the way these cats refuse to drink from the water bowl I have kept for them. I was worried for the fishes but the ex-owner assured me the cats in neighborhood are trustworthy . Another of the neighbor has a rabbit , and he told us the cats are playing with their rabbit sometimes ! I think since these cats are well fed so they are not into hunting business yet as most of the people are keeping food for these cats in their gardens irrespective of the fact if they are the cat owners or not. I really pray that they remain this innocent always 🙂 . The other day we bought a ‘mouse’ toy for Bagheera but she ran away when she saw it coming towards her instead of playing ! Apart from that I have taken up painting for weekend, enjoying it so far ,you can check few of them in pictures below .

Hope you all are doing well as well. See you soon with another Blog post.