Learning on long walks

Little discoveries and learning on my evening walks.
I was walking through these trees for almost every day of summers and amazed at these spiky balls hanging from the trees but I didn’t bother much and walked past.

Being an Indian I know different plants and trees from my habitat  I can know by look  papaya,  guava , mangoes,  mahogany,  eucalyptus,  neem and peepal  but trees here in Europe are different and I am still learning and discovering. Like this one I figured out is a Chestnut tree , the same beautiful roasted yummy warm nuts that I buy in winters from street vendors in Christmas markets.That’ s how they grow as fruit and that’s where they grow .

#littlediscoveriesontheway #chestnuttrees#mindfulliving

7 days of Kindness #wellbeingseptemberseries

Day 7 of #7daysofkindness  from #wellbeingseptemberseries

So For the final day of this kindness week the mantra is

  Be Kind to thy neighbours !

Today we pruned our grapevines and plucked the grapes . We collected almost 10 kilos and  What better way  to honour this beautiful organic local produce other than sharing with our neighbours.
And yes we do saw some happy and surprised faces today.

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#spreadkindness #spreadlove

7 days of Kindness #wellbeingseptemberseries

Day 6 of #7daysofkindness  from #wellbeingseptemberseries .
I would say be kind to the environment and eat more green.
You will improve your health and the health of environment too. Both of them deserve more kindness. I strongly believe  vegans, vegetarians, meateaters  can all meet halfway at the green paths.
So I am choosing few meatless days of the week to do my bit.

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7 days of Kindness #wellbeingseptemberseries

Day 5 of #7daysofkindness  from #wellbeingseptemberseries !  For that I would say

Be Kind to your soul.

I don’t know how many of you believe in soul but I definitely do ! That’s the only consistent part of me rest keeps changing. Most of the daily things I do are just for keeping up this body going- eating, sleeping ,working , watching tv but the one driving this body from inside is  often ignored and neglected .
Just peeling off another layer from self love which includes taking care of our physical , emotional and mental well being !  I just added  spiritual well being too to the definition.
There are so many things that we can do to make our soul  happy and calm : prayers,  meditation,  doing  charity , saying kind words , caring for others and connecting with nature and so many other things that hold meaning to your inner being.

Long walks into the green pathways just calms me down no matter  how much anxiety I do have with this Covid-19 pandemic ongoing in the world.
So which one did you choose  today  to be kind to your soul ?

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7 days of Kindness #wellbeingseptemberseries

Day 4rth of #7daysofkindness and #wellbeingseptemberseries ! To be honest it takes an effort to be focusing only  on kindness. It’s not that easy ! Many of us have a notion of being kind person but if we just quantify our kind actions during the day we will be surprised to see how few there are . No wonder  It’s a well thought program to activate an aspect of Mindful living.

So for today I decided to call my grandmother . I  am guilty of not calling her often ,call it laziness procrastination or forgetfulness and the joy in her voice was  priceless ♥️.
The elderly people in our society definitely deserve more kindness from the young people. They are getting older ,  weaker and more sensitive and probably waiting to be reached out , called out  and in need of sharing their stories,  concerns and a bundle of duas ! so do reach out to your nearest elderly person if you haven’t lately.

#fromadaydreamersdiary #womenwhoread #womenwhowrite #womenempowerment #aspiringwriters #reflections #womenbloggers #indianbloggers #wpbloggers #wordsofwisdom

7days of Kindness #wellbeingseptemberseries

Well it’s day 3 of #7daysofkindness and  #wellbeingseptemberseries! I dedidate it to all my friends who have been my rock and support system from all these years of life through thin and thick . Some of you might have received a thank you note from me recently. I really mean it.  While I was observing my kind actions I figured out I was the one who is mostly being at the receiving end . I am so grateful to receive so much kindness in abundance every day from either of you to make my day better including my husband who is  my friend first and then anything else later. I am so grateful to have an amazing bunch of people whom I met in real or online world. I often talk , discuss and chat with them  but I often miss to tell them how important they are for me and what they mean to me ! So today is the day I took as an opportunity to thank some of them.

7 days of Kindness #wellbeingseptemberseries

Day 2 of #7daysofkindness is clearly dedicated to this little creature who definitely deserves more kindness from me than anyone else I can think of first . The surroundings we raise  these kids are all designed for  adults and what they keep on hearing all day is  Don’t do this , Don’t do that ! Put that back! You will fall ! Shut that door ! don’t open the cupboards , don’t play with it !
So today I just stepped back and thought , Is it really their fault all day ? They are just curious little fellas, out there having some fun . Are we really failing them as adult ? , instead of making their life more fun and happy we just keep nagging and they hear all day is negative words ‘ No , don’t do’ …
So much so  that once I start telling  Amjad no for something. He comes back  with a stern reprimanding  voice saying ‘ No No  Don’t do ! ‘ . Felt like  a mirror being held to my face and I see me through his eyes .
So for today a little more empathy and kindness for this little fella .I let him play with  dirt in the garden , opening taps and getting wet with  water and even munching on these unwashed grapes!

The video used in the post is mine n Subject to Copyright ©.

7 days of Kindness #wellbeingseptemberseries

It’s Day1 of #wellbeingseptemberseries
And #7daysofkindness . Thanks @bringingupmom from Instagram  for remembering and tagging me. We all do little acts of kindness here and there but what we don’t do is challenge ourselves and doing it deliberately . Most of these exercises looks silly to many people and a waste of time but experts have designed it and recommended for our mental well being.
So for me I am set for these 7 days of deliberate acts of kindness that I will record and motivate myself to do.
As they say charity begins at home so here I am , the first person I often neglect and not kind enough is me myself. I reminded myself to be more kind to myself , to be more forgiving , to be less judgemental and to be more accepting , of all the things that I want to do or achieve and not doing so , for parts of me I am so critical of , I would be kinder , more optimistic and helpful. I would always encourage myself to be better and I would always be my forever friend. So a Little of introspection for Day 1 of kindness.