The Holy Women of Pakistan

Thanks Sadia for throwing light to such illiterate practices in some muslim societies , I have never heard or read about it before where a woman is married to Quran. I am shocked to read it , Reblogging it.

The Human Lens

“But the practice, is frowned upon by almost all religious scholars and much of mainstream Islam, is generally practiced in secret,” says a local cleric. Further he adds, “Islamic rights on women’s share in property are very clear; but reflecting upon the issue of Quran marriages, it is appalling that in the 21st century such out-dated customs still prevail.”

The tradition of “Haq Bakshish” most common in province of Sindh, but also followed in Southern parts of Punjab province, is most often practiced by the feudal families, often `Syeds’. The Syeds consider themselves upper caste Muslims families are often reluctant to allow their women to marry into non-Syed families, in a kind of caste system that sees such families as being lower in status.

These Syeds claim to be the descendents of Muhammad and regard themselves are pure-blooded “Muslims”. That is if any such thing exists. There is…

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7 thoughts on “The Holy Women of Pakistan

  1. A writer from the East

    Thanks a lot for the reblog, it is very common story in Pakistan among Syed Muslims and other elite Muslims. Allegedly many leading politicians sisters are also caged indoors after being slyly forced to go into this travesty done in name of Allah SWT. Very hard to find to do stories of such women, because they are not allowed in public but I was determined to find some headway and got real stories in Multan. Sadly such things are very common is so called ISLAMIC countries, and sadly they have nothing to do with ISLAM, perhaps am still angry but it was shocking and very heart breaking to meet those women in reality.

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    1. You are welcome sister 🙂 I can imagine the plight of such women, I have read the book by Tehmina Durrani , My Feudal Lord where also she described the male dominated society and ugly politics in Pakistan, well it is just not Pakistan , it is in whole of Indian Subcontinent .

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  2. A writer from the East

    Yes sister the whole sub continent is full of problems and I find hope that women of sub continent’bravery and determination to struggle for their rightful places. That’s a great read, I have met Tehmina ji at one of the local events, such brave woman! If you like can browse other stories on my blog under Feminism corner like and or Islam and Shariah Matters example:
    Lets try to fix problems in sub continent sister!!!!

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      1. A writer from the East

        Its a pleasure, and yes I completely welcome your idea, MashAllah Khair se!
        I saw you had holiday fun, how went it all? Love and prayers!

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